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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Self Absorption

I resisted starting a blog for a while because I thought they were narcissistic. Yesterday I was reading a blog called "The barely attentive mother". This lady was defending the importance and meaning of her life. ("I am the woman behind the man.") Talking about what an amazing student she was in high school and college. She wrote of how disturbing visiting Manhattan was. She went on for four paragraphs about "The Incredibles". ("If you haven't seen it then stop reading here please.") I stopped reading it right there.
Then I read a subject that really made her angry:
An article in the NY Times stated that "mommie blogs" reveled in self absorption and that these women were actually hurting their kids somehow. This woman was fuming. She was issuing a call to arms so the other mommies would bombard the NY Times with email or letters or any sort of anti-validation.
The only reason I continued to read her blog to that point was because she was reveling in self absorption. It irritated/amused me. She claimed to be a Highly Sensitive Person. (That's how I stumbled on the site.) If she's so sensitive doesn't she know how full of it she is?
Anyway, I don't know how to write an interesting blog to anyone else. We're all utterly fascinated with ourselves and somewhat amused (or horrified) by the actions of others. Whatever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This wasn't about dooce.com by chance was it?

4:45 PM

Blogger Brightpictures said...

What's dooce.com? I'll check it out. The blog was called "The barely attentive mother" It came up when I wrote HSP, highly sensitive person into google.

3:29 PM

Blogger Brightpictures said...


I checked out dooce.com

Why was that so incredibly painful?!

The other lady's blog was snively and pathetic. (Therefore funny to me.)

That dooce was SO SMUG.

11:42 PM


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