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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Can't Focus

I got a colloidal silver generator from Coyote Zenterprizes yesterday (silverpuppy.com) I have this bizarre fantasy where I get to have a science lab. I think it started with the darkroom. Science was never my subject in school so I don't know what the deal is. I just really want bunsen (sp?) burners and the high lab tables and microscopes.

Anyway, I've been "making" this stuff up. It appears to be working. Still really preoccupied with this scene that I'm STILL trying to write. It appears that it's been wittled down to:

hero's shadow self animates the game box.
game box comes back because he's linked to the hero.
show cause of fragmentation of his personality.
show this to the audience without showing it to the hero himself.
how to express this simply.

I figure if I keep looking stuff up on the shadow self that I'll get an illustration that makes sense. I liked one illustration from a Wicca site. (You can't light a candle without casting a shadow.) I'm not writing until I know what to do. BUT Since I don't know what to do I'm really having trouble focusing on this. It's too nebulous.


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