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Thursday, February 03, 2005


I'm not proud to admit that more people appear to have seen naked yoda than anything else I've done, cummulatively. But at least it is obvious that I am on to something.

Still struggling with the pupil/master scene for the Narcissist. STRUGGLING. I can't figure out the tone. It needs to be funny. My mind keeps referencing the yoda/luke scene in Empire.

The Hero goes to the temple. He sees Master Tim. Tim doesn't seem capable of helping the Hero. The Hero is lead to a cave like the one in Empire. What will the Hero find in there? "Only what he brings in" like in Star Wars. What's in the cave? --The game box. What's on the tv? --His mother doing something caustic that causes the Hero to "split" in the first place. Heavy. What does this scene need? A little naked yoda. Perhaps literally.

"Skroda, you seek Skroda."

Is a little claymation in order here? I'm so heavily alluding to the original scene (in Empire). I'd like to see a little raunchy Skroda who is incredibly wise.


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