How very unlike me. I avoid going to the beach (the ocean) because of the people I often find there. I love the water, love the waves. I have a good time until someone starts in with me and then I leave all pissed. Today was no exception.
I'm swimming having a good time after I decided to take some pictures of the surfers. Some blond girl a few years younger than I comes up to me.
I dread this. People always ask "what are you shooting for?"
I didn't hear her. I answered "myself".
She says, all attitude "You're taking pictures of yourself?!"
My camera is pointed forward.
So she goes into who am I shooting and why am I shooting and what am I doing? All this.
Then she goes, "Could you not take pictures?"
I'm saying: "I didn't even take a picture of you."
She turns away in her little bikini. So I yell:
Then she takes her flabby boyfriend's boogie board. Starts putting her annoying self right in front of me and my camera.
I was livid and I'm still pissed.
I believe that she started in with me because she saw that I was happy and because I took a picture of everyone around me except her. If I had it [the picture] I would have saved it just to post it here.