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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Martha's even better at prison than you are

As an over achiever in recovery, Martha Stewart is designed to bug me. She's the most amazing at everything. This is the typical personality of the self hating person who has everything prove. No big surprise there.

Everytime I turn around, I've got to see her on the cover of Newsweek, on tv, on yahoo! news. Martha's better than ever, thinner, smarter, more humble. She's competitively humble! There's nothing to say. I can't be clever about it. There's no nuance. No subtlety. Why do people go along with this crap? I guess because the people who write this stuff are invested in the celebrity roller coaster ride. She's up! Now She's down! Now she's up! What an amazing story. We haven't heard one like this in five whole minutes.

Also a few corporations own everything. The people who are invested in her new show also own pieces of Newsweek who also own pieces of her magazine. It's a massive circle jerk. Oh well.

I'm going back to making my naked yoda figure . . .


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