I've been too busy for craigslist the last few days. Checking it out again, it is amazing how bizarre it is. A guy from California gave the world a free bulletin board. People could do ANYTHING with it. What DO they do? Everything I guess but mostly guys ask to pose nude or they ask for women to pose nude for them.
Now in my day to day existence the desire/need for nudity doesn't come up that much between strangers. But it's all over craigslist every day!
So I think to myself: This board is a place where people become anonymous. They can ask or do anything. Well they're generally not going to do the nice things they do in front of others. I get that. They'll be hateful and racist and selfish and horny. I get that. They'll be honest and for a lot of people that means--not nice.
So my co-writer on the Narcissist suggested that there's a need for something new on the net: nudecycle. This would be a combination of the two things on the internet that he hears me complaining about the most: Freecycle and craigslist.
You will provide the location. These photos will be very tastefully done. Time for prints.
Garrett says that we only need to charge fifteen cents a post. We'll be bazillionaires.