We are an Event Photography service. Our photos of celebrities run in publications all over the world. Feel free to contact us at 917 445 1798.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Today I photographed this group at a family reunion.

The family is from a Polish background. They were a really nice group and the food was great.

Page Six ran this pic yesterday.

I didn't get a chance to absorb the story. Dr. Ruth Westheimer seems like a nice lady. That was the second time I happened to run into her. Right after meeting her I got to photograph Boris Becker--you may recall that meeting Boris was the highlight of fashion week for me.

I went to my cousin Vicky's wedding yesterday

and I didn't shoot it. I offered but she told me to just enjoy myself. She looked amazing but I don't have any pictures of her! I tried to stay out of the way of the wedding photographers. I'm really not a big fan when other people shoot near me when I'm working at a wedding so I tried to keep my distance from them out of respect.

I didn't bring an external flash to force myself to not take too many pictures. I get camera happy-if you know what I mean. This is my cousin Brad. He has/had four Portuguese grandparents. I only had three who were Portuguese. Out of all my cousins I'd say he looks the most Latino.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Monthly Pond Project

Original (April)



Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kim is a wonderful person and I really enjoyed

shooting her wedding.

Meeting Boris Becker was a massive humongous thrill.

I mean, seriously, it was Boris!

This was from a week and a half ago

I got to meet Tommy Lee in exactly the same spot that I met Kid Rock (at Dune Nightclub) and then they get into a fight.

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