Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Two very charismatic people got engaged.
The event took place at the Pearl Theatre at St. Mark's Place in the city. The couple even provided live entertainment. You can see pics of the musicians below. Just click on an image if it's too small. Maybe I'll go back to hosting pics on flickr.com
More pics are available under:
links> random event pics
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Schuldig has decided to start a religion,
one highly inspired by Hinduism. He beseeches you to follow him to the sacred waters of the Ganges for a special renewal ceremony.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
This is my beloved Graflex Speed Graphic
I recently got rid of my darkroom but I don't think I'll ever get rid of this. It's an old press camera from the 50s. This photo is a sample of what I'm trying to do at the moment.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm attempting to improve at operating
photoshop. So far I've been using it to make minor tweaks to photos. My friend Professor Xavier needed a logo for his blog so I figured it was a good chance to challenge myself. Professor Xavier runs a school up in Westchester. There's a link to his blog under Links to the right.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I said I'd post the progress of the painting but now
I don't want to because I don't like how it looks. I've got to wait until it dries before I can go in again and attack.
Friday, November 18, 2005
People are always asking me,
"How can I get items with your graphics on them?"
That's actually not true.
So I thought why not set something up? There's a link on the right, My store.
If you're ever looking for a canvas tote with a clay animation figure of William Shakespeare on it, you know where to look.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Duane asked me to shoot him on Saturday.
We had a lot of fun and we created a record of where Duane is at right now. I think that's beautiful.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Antone Hugel has an orchard on his property.
He sells apples in Water Mill. He was kind enough to tell me the different names of his apples. He even wrote them down and I left with a mixed bag so I could figure out which ones I liked best. It turned out that I preferred the:
Baldwin and the Green.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Since I have some time I've been
scanning some pen and ink drawings that I've done. I'm in the process of attempting to upload these images to microstock sites. I plan on doing a lot of this in the future.
There's a great disturbance in the world of Monstie
and his name is Beauregard Schuldig.
Monstie has a pillow that he likes to sleep inside. All you see in a wienie shaped log. So Schuldig jumps on top of him and generally settles next to Monstie's body. After a while Schuldig wants trouble and he starts in with Monstie so Monstie starts screaming and raising hell.
Since the Leopard shirt went over so well, Schuldig now has a trench coat (pictured).
Saturday, November 05, 2005
You'd think I was digging the Panama Canal
from the way I've been complaining about scanning my negatives. I think that I may be done with the negatives for the moment.
For my birthday, I received an Elvis Costello gift-the videos or whatever it's called. The picture is me imitating Elvis. SEE-the album "This Year's Model".
Now I accept that Elvis is toxic but man can he dish it out. There's no way that he's actually as horrible as he seems. But I love it!
Friday, November 04, 2005
This is a graphic of Monica Ford
She had a major role in Griffith Gaunt. I would like to learn how to make this kind of graphic. If anyone knows, please tell me.
Now I'm really struggling with my scanner
I'm doing everything I can to not make this experience(of scanning my negatives) horrible. Today I took Schuldig to be neutered but it didn't happen. He's rescheduled for next week. I got him a little leopard coat.
Sometimes he shakes as if he's cold.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
I was really struggling with my scanner
today. In order to get my stock photography in order I've been scanning my better negatives. This is my older dachshund Heathcliff Monstie.
I was trying to make the images really big and the equipment wasn't liking it.